More Than 90% of People Who Die by Suicide Show Symptoms 

 May 2, 2019

By  Becky Cooper

More than 90% of people who die by suicide show symptoms of a mental health condition.

Let that sink in.

I hear phrases like “It’s called being a teenager”… or “[Not my child.] They’re just being a lazy teen!”… the worst phrase I’ve ever heard is “Clearly they don’t love their family enough to participate”. Wow.

No healthy person would ever kill themselves, or even consider it. When you have a heart condition, you take it seriously. When you have a lung condition, you take it seriously. When you have a kidney or liver condition, you take it seriously. WHY do we as a society dismiss the reality that there is such a thing as a brain condition? The tragedy is that symptoms of a mental [brain] illness can be masked as “just being a teenager” or “just being lazy”, or not caring about family and avoiding everyone (aka “not loving family”). Smiles and pretending to be OK can mask the symptoms if you’re not taking those underlying symptoms seriously!

You or your loved ones may not have a mental illness, that might be true. HOWEVER, are you willing to look? Are you willing to LISTEN? Are you willing to take some symptoms you’ve read about, and notice in yourself/your loved ones, seriously? Are you willing to ask a professional for help and get a second, and a third opinion if necessary? Are you willing to not give up if you have a feeling that won’t go away?

Look at it this way, if the worst case scenario were to happen (I pray not), will you feel an unbearable amount of guilt because you were warned to learn about what mental illness is… or have a sense of peace because you were willing to pay attention and listen? 💚 Just READ about the signs and symptoms. If that’s all you do, just take some time to study about it, be willing to pay attention, and listen to your loved ones. We cannot always save everyone, but we can try our best to help them. 💚


More than 90%…

…of people who die by suicide show symptoms of a mental health condition.

About the author

Becky Cooper, Certified Brain Health Coach.

Often times we find ourselves in need of support in accomplishing life, health, and mindful goals. It takes a great amount of courage to recognize that you can’t do everything alone— we sometimes need someone to help us be accountable to what we truly desire to accomplish in life.  It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child; I feel it takes a tribe to help raise each other [up]. This is at the heart of what I do. 💚  I have found life to be easier when I accept that I am a 'work in progress', and that's enough. While I continue to learn and progress, taking life one step at a time, I can invite others along my journey and help them too; teaching them what I have learned, and encourage them. In December of 2020 I completed the Brain Health training course directed by Dr. Daniel Amen, graduating with the official certification as an Amen Clinics Certified Brain Health Coach. This not only has helped me learn valuable solutions to help myself heal, but also help others who feel the same way as I do; others who are also in search of healing.Read More...

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Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Suicide Awareness

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