
Dear Becky,

I have written and rewritten this several times. Like I told you before I feel at a loss for the words. When you asked me if you could do a picture of Jasmine sometime I was thrilled. I didn’t know what to expect but figured it would be a picture of an infant which would have been great too but what you did draw personified her so much more which is exactly why I love it so much! Jasmine was stillborn 4 days before her due date. Even now, almost 14 years later this is a difficult reality to face. There is never a good time to lose a child. Each loss comes with its own unique challenges. One of the challenges when a baby is stillborn is a lack of memories to sustain you while you wait to finally meet your child in the next life. You are left wondering. Would she look like one of her sisters? Would her eyes stay brown or lighten up? What would her favorites be? Etc…. Without knowing any more than her first name Becky, you have captured her! I anticipate with great joy the day when I will see her romp through a beautiful field such as the one you painted. Thank you for giving me a peek into a glorious future! This was such a loving and thoughtful gift which I shall treasure forevermore!!! Again, I feel these words are inadequate but before I start over again I’m gonna send it off to you. Thank you Becky, I don’t feel deserving of such a beautiful thoughtful gift and I’m amazed that you did this for me! I truly cherish this painting!!!


About the Artist

Living the dream as a full-time artist. I'm a Mental Health Advocate. 💚 A creator of realism fine art. 🎨 I'm passionate about creating Visual Comfort Art for the wounded, and inspiring young minds through my children's books (Be Kind Books), to create a more safe and loving world with kindness.💕

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